Tram Tau Fm
Type Locality and Naming
Tram Tau area of Yen Bai Province; named by Nguyen Dac Dong, et al., 2000.
Lithology and Thickness
Mainly volcano-sedimentary beds bearing coal matter. Tram Tau section is 730 m of black-grey shale containing much coal matter, tuffaceous shale with some interbeds of tuffaceous sandy siltstone, rhyolite tuff, grading upwards into grey conglomerate, tuffaceous sandstone and some thin lenses of gray limestone and clayey limestone in the upper part.
Relationships and Distribution
Lower contact
Pseudo-conformity relationship on the volcanics of the Tu Le Fm [according to text; but cross-section Fig. II.5.2 and Tu Le Fm entry suggests it overlies the Tram Tau Fm?]
Upper contact
Disconformable(?) below the Nghia Lo Fm.
Regional extent
Scattered in a window form within the Changhsingian volcanic cover of the Tu Le Rift.
Collected fossils include Rhipidopsis cf. R. panii, Schizoneura? sp., Taeniopteris sp. of Late Permian.
Depositional setting
Additional Information